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The Centers services include but are not limited to:
-Adjustment of Status
-Family Reunification and Family-Based Petitions
-Self-Petitions under the Violence Against Women Act
-Defending Immigrants in Immigration and Removal Proceedings
-Crime Victims Visas and Work Authorization.
-Citizenship & Naturalization Classes: Community Outreach & Education through Quarterly Citizenship Days Held at the Center.
-Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence Initiative: Community Outreach & Education to Raise Awareness of the Immigration Options for Victims of Domestic Violence.
-Translation services
The Center also provides ESL classes, Tax preparation advice, counseling & referrals on collateral issues, and translation services.
Counties served: Bronx, Kings (Brooklyn), NY (Manhattan), Queens, Richmond (Staten Island)
The information included here is current and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Please contact ImportaMi via e-mail at info.importami@rescue.org with any questions or corrections.
545 60th St. Brooklyn, NY 11220